
jst.b circle

Stay updated and relevant.

You’ve worked with us before, so you know what JST.B is about. We are committed to our clients, and we place a strong emphasis on authentically knowing our client well. We’ve appreciated working with you, and we still care about the well-being of your firm.

If you’re in need of updates and edits to previous or current projects, we want to make ourselves available to you. Consider joining the JST.B Circle. Working closely with your brand, we’ve gotten to know how your brand operates and its core values, mission, and vision. Having this knowledge, we are confident that we can provide accurate, relevant, and efficient updates for your company.

The JST.B Circle is a network of our previous clients to receive previous edits and be provided networking opportunities with each other and with other professionals. As different brands may have different needs, we have created a level system for the Circle.

JST.B Circle Levels:

  1. $50 /month. We will update your website and include minor edits on previous projects. If desired, we will have networking opportunities for circle members to participate in. We will also provide access to a branding survey service that can show you where your brand needs improvement.

  2. $100 /month. Along with the previous benefits, we will include an extra three edits on a current project that your company is working on.

  3. $180 /month. Including all previous level benefits, we will add in additional consulting in the form of a brand analysis every six months.

If you’re interested in joining the Circle, please email