JST.B Merry — JST.B Purpose Driven

Need some help making the season a little brighter?
Here is a list we made of 10 acts of kindness you can do in the spirit of Christmas: 


1. Send someone who has somehow made a difference in your life a thank-you note.

2. Take a plate of cookies to someone you don't know well in your neighborhood and start a conversation.

3. The next time you're in a store, ask the clerk how things are going with the busyness of the holidays and tell him/her you appreciate his/her hard work.

4. Help loan money to someone starting a small business in a developing country through KIVA.

5. Give blood or platelets through the Red Cross (NOTE: giving platelets is similar to giving blood.  The donation process does take longer, but you can give up to every 2 weeks and the need is constant.  And yes, you can give both blood and platelets as long as you wait at least 3 days between the two.)

6. If you have young children, have them leave a toy under the tree on Christmas Eve for Santa to give to someone in need and donate it to a local charity.

7. At your holiday or next birthday party, provide stationary and take a few minutes to have everyone write notes for nursing home residents or soldiers.

8. Write lists of some of your favorite things about loved ones to put in their Christmas cards. (or make a video and send it to them saying all the things you love about them.)

9. If people still need ideas for Christmas gifts, ask for donations to your favorite charity as one of your presents.

10. The next time you use social media, take a minute to write a nice message to someone you haven't spoken to lately.

Want some more ideas?  Here are a few links (confession: we did steal a few.)  



Not to sound corny, but kindness doesn’t have to end with Christmas.  As 2014 comes to a close, what are some ways you could bring kindness into what your company does?  Would you agree with us that treating people with respect is a key part of establishing strong relationships with those you serve and drawing more people in? Just a few questions to ponder upon. 


All in all, we just want to remind you to JST.B Merry this season!

If you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to comment bellow or tweet us @jstbyoo with the hashtag #jstbmerry. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

